What Are We Going to Do?
Lent is fast approaching. Ash Wednesday is March 5. It is likely that many of us are asking, “What am I going to do for Lent?” By this question, we mean, “What are we doing to observe a Holy Lent?” This may mean we are taking on (prayer, acts of charity, etc.) or giving up (fasting, indulgences, resources, etc.) as a Lenten discipline. Often, we are quick to consider the discipline without pausing to think about the “why” and the needs of our soul this Lenten season. We sometimes want to jump in to do something, just to do something.
We see Peter in such a quandary in the scripture reading for this week (Luke 9:28-36). Peter witnesses a dazzling Jesus, sees Moses and Elijah, and hears the voice of God. His response to such miracles? Peter asks if he can build small shelters for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. Instead of being present to take in this moment, Peter quickly moves to action. Peter wants to act when action may not be needed.
Before you quickly move to a Lenten discipline this year, take a moment to consider what your soul needs. Allow the observance of a holy Lent to be an opportunity to grow in grace and be with Jesus during this sacred season.
In Christ,
Rev. Sherri