God is doing a new thing at First United Methodist Church of Gadsden and we invite you to be a part of it! I arrived here at the end of June and found a devoted congregation which has been in the heart of the city since the mid 1800’s. The congregation is a welcoming place, reflecting the diversity of the Body of Christ and offering opportunities for all ages to grow in discipleship.
You will find opportunities for worship (5:30 pm on Thursday, 9:00 am on Sunday, and 11:00 am on Sunday), learning, mission, and fellowship. You also will find spaces to serve the larger community and develop a deeper relationship with others and Jesus.
In my short time here, I have come to appreciate that First United Methodist of Gadsden is a congregation rooted in its tradition, but ever reaching for the future with Jesus.
Rev. Sherri Reynolds
How it all started...
We welcome you to Gadsden First United Methodist Church! We have been in the heart of the city of Gadsden sharing God’s love since the mid 1800’s. You will find this church to be a welcoming place, made up of people reflecting a variety of ages and races. GFUMC is passionate about providing opportunities for children, youth, young adults and seniors to learn and grow in their faith. We do this by offering variety of different Journey Groups, as well as traditional Sunday School. Some groups meet at 6:00 pm on Wednesday nights, others on different days and times.

Expanding the vision...
We are also passionate about worship, providing an upbeat, contemporary worship service (Celebration Service) at 9:00 am on Sunday, a beautiful traditional worship service (Traditions) at 10: 55 am on Sundays, and a casual, simple worship service on Thursday evenings at 5:30 pm. The music at GFUMC will feed your soul!
Where we are headed...
GFUMC is engaged in service to our community through several missions. It is our heart-felt desire to be “the hands and feet of Jesus” locally, regionally, and to the ends of the earth. We would love to have you come and join us on the journey.
Be a part of our story...
Join us each week as we gather to worship together, whether
- Church Website: www.fumcgadsden.org/media
- Facebook Live @FUMCGadsden
- Celebration: Sunday mornings @ 9:00 am for Contemporary Praise and Worship ( Sanctuary)
- Traditions: 10:55 am (Sanctuary)
- Thursday Worship: Thursdays afternoons @ 5:30 pm (Sanctuary)
Or Come serve with us at one of the many mission opportunities at GFUMC.