Money Matters

Sep 29, 2024

This is our last week of Get in the Game, a sermon series about discipleship with illustrations from the football field. This week we focus on money, and money seems to be the focus of many these days, especially college football. College football generates billions of dollars annually through tickets, television rights, vendors, and endorsements. Players can now receive capital gain through name, image and likeness. Coaches are often the highest paid state employee in each state. Add to the mix the millions poured into a local economy and a university around a major program. It doesn’t take long to see that money matters in the world of sports.

               Money matters in our spiritual lives as well. Money can be a barrier to our relationship with Jesus or can be avenue to grow in generosity and giving. Our resources can be an idol or an opportunity to love our neighbor. It can cause envy and greed or provide a path of fostering ministry. Jesus had a lot to say about this topic. Take for instance the Sermon on the Mount, particularly Matthew 6:19-21. He taught that where your treasure is your heart is also. Do your heart and treasure align? This is something for us to ponder as we grow as followers of Jesus.

Go team FUMCG!

Rev. Sherri