The Syrophoenician Woman

Aug 25, 2024    Rev. Sherri Reynolds

This coming week, Rob and I will celebrate 27 years of marriage. It seems like just yesterday that we were college sweethearts, and it really doesn’t feel like 27 years. Being married 27 years is one of my proudest accomplishments. Like most couples, there have been awesome seasons and there have been challenging seasons. Our marriage has not always been without bumps in the road. However, by God’s grace and our tenacity, we have made it to year 28! I am proud that we have hung in there and persevered. I am looking forward to more years and having an “empty nest.” Marriage is a prime example of how my tenacious nature has paid off, I also think it has benefited me as I have followed Jesus.

               The scripture reading for this week is one of perseverance, tenacity, and strength. (Mark 7:24-30). The Syrophoenician Woman is not a typical Bible hero, but she is an example of perseverance in faith. She would not take “no” for an answer and her faith was rewarded. If you spend time with this scripture, you will find a lesson about true strength and determination. Perhaps, her story will cause you to think about persistence and your own faith journey.  Where is God calling you to steadfast resolve in your life of discipleship?

In the Love of Christ,

Rev. Sherri