New and Renewed

Jan 14, 2024

When preachers talk about a vision for the church, a preacher often talks about specifics. The specifics could be starting a new program, investing in a specific ministry, revamping a current worship service, embarking on a city-wide evangelism outreach or a building campaign. The vision is lived out in the details. But what if it was not? What if the vision was to be made new or renewed in Jesus? Isn’t that the promise of the Gospel? In Jesus we can be born again and transformed. Not only can we be transformed, but out of transformation we can share God’s grace with others. In our transformation, God transforms the environment around us.

           The prophet Isaiah proclaimed a word of hope from God to his people. This was a vision that God would make a new way for them, “I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth do you not perceive it?” Return to this verse from Isaiah 43 this week and consider what Jesus is making all things new, in you, through you, and through the life of First United Methodist. (Isaiah 43:14-21). For those of you who were at First United Methodist in October, return to the commitment of a New Beginnings and rest in how God is using this new beginning in you.


In Christ,

Rev. Sherri