The Strongest Among Us

Jul 7, 2024

Have you ever faced obstacles in your life? Likely yes. We all have faced some challenges. Paul did too. He called his obstacle a “thorn in the flesh.” There has been much speculation as to what the challenge could have been. Scholars have not reached agreement on the ailment. We do know that Paul asked God three times to remove the obstacle, only to hear back from God, “My grace is sufficient, my power is revealed in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:1-10). 

​God’s power revealed in weakness seems like a counterintuitive statement. How can power be revealed in weakness? It could be that during this thorn in the flesh season that Paul could not rely on himself but had to trust God. Paul knew that with the struggle, he could not be strong, but he had to rely upon the Lord to be strong for him. This was an act of faith and trust, believing that what he could not, God could. This was a case that Paul’s strength decreased, so that God’s strength might be evident in him. Peace and strength come from faith and trust. Paul found the depth of God’s strength in a life challenging time.

​My prayer for you this week is that whatever challenge you are facing that you find God’s strength and power. May God’s grace be sufficient, and His power be revealed in your weakness.


In Christ,

Rev. Sherri


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