The Woman with the Alabaster Jar

Oct 13, 2024    Rev. Sherri Reynolds

This is our second week in the 2025 Generosity Emphasis, journeying through Luke. In this gospel, Jesus meets folks where they are, offering radical grace. Each of the characters responded differently to God’s grace.

The Woman with the Alabaster Jar (Luke 7: 22-50): Jesus was dining at the home of a Pharisee. A woman who had a bad reputation located Jesus and came to where he was dining. She brought with her an expensive jar of ointment and stood at his feet, weeping, bathing his feet with her tears and wiping his feet with his hair. She kissed Jesus’ feet and anointed them with the ointment. This scene outraged the Pharisees. Afterall, she was sinful and if Jesus were a prophet, then he would know and have nothing to do with this unclean woman. Jesus responded to the Pharisees, telling them she was only reacting to what she had experienced. She had experienced radical grace and from radical grace came extreme devotion, affection, generosity and love. Her sins were forgiven, and she responded with profound thanksgiving. This was the response of the woman with the Alabaster jar. How will you respond?

Too often we fail to show gratitude to Jesus for what he has done. Unlike the Woman with the Alabaster Jar, we rarely go to lavish measures to express gratitude. How do we need to express gratitude? With our words and prayers? Through worship? By giving back to God a portion of what he has given us? Telling others about the goodness of God? How is Jesus inviting you to respond?

How will you respond?

Rev. Sherri