What a Friend We Have in Jesus

Jul 21, 2024    Rev. Sherri Reynolds

This week, we begin a new sermon series, “This is Our Story. This is Our Song.” If you worshipped in-person during March, you know that we voted the brackets for our favorite hymns in the FUMC version of March Madness. This summer, the winners of the brackets will be the focus for the upcoming sermon series. As part of the series, I am writing a prayer inspired by the words of the focus hymn. This week’s hymn is “What a Friend we Have in Jesus.” As you prepare for worship, sing the focus hymn in your heart, keep the prayer on your lips, and renew your mind with the Scripture for the Sunday. If you are unfamiliar with the hymn, you can find the words online or in the United Methodist Hymnal on page 526.

Scripture: I Peter 5:7

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you are a friend who bears all our sins and griefs. It is a privilege to carry everything to you. We often forgo peace and experience needless pain, because we do not carry everything to you in prayer. If we have trials, temptations or trouble, we should not grow discouraged because we can take it to you in prayer. You are a faithful friend who shares our sorrows and knows our weakness. You are a refuge, shield and solace, even as earthly friends forsake us. When we are weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care, you are there for us. Thank you, Jesus! Amen.



Rev. Sherri