The Result of A Grand Adventure
This week marks the end of our Adventure sermon series, but that doesn’t mean that the journey ends. The adventure continues. While we are finishing up our time with Moses, and moving to other scriptures or series, you can continue to read about the Israelites reaching the Promised Land. Read your Bible in the book of Exodus to find out more and then move to Joshua and Judges, because the adventure culminates with the next generation claiming that land which was promised to their ancestors. And the adventure keeps going as you keep reading in the Old Testament. You will find out how the quest plays out even after the Israelites entered the promised land. You will also discover how God’s covenant was claimed and rejected by coming generations.
And the journey continues for us too. That journey which started by some Methodists in the 1800s hundreds keeps going. That group who wanted to start a Methodist congregation, sharing a schoolhouse and having no preacher, continues with us. We are the legacy of that great adventure, which continues as we seek to be a change agent in lives in the name of Jesus. God invites us to change lives through sharing Christ, making disciples, serving people, and giving hope. This has not stopped but is an adventure which we live out daily at First United Methodist Church of Gadsden.
This week, I encourage you to read about Moses’ physical transformation (Exodus 34:29-35). As you do consider your own transformation. How has your life been transformed through First United Methodist Church of Gadsden?
Adventuring with You,
Rev. Sherri