Adventure: Serving People
In movies or media, we often see stereotypes of meddlesome in-laws. You know where a mother-in-law or faith-in-law cross boundaries, and not for the good. Moses had the experience of a father-in-law who got into his business, but this time it was for the good. (Exodus 18:14-26). Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, told him that if he continued at such a demanding pace that he would soon burn out. Jethro suggested that Moses recruit capable leaders to help him share the load. The work of leadership and serving people should not be about one person doing all the work, but rather the responsibility being shared among many.
The church works best when we share responsibility too. There are many avenues of service and leadership within the church, but these avenues are not just for the pastor or staff, or one leader. This is all of us working and serving together to be the body of Christ. If we serve people in a way which changes lives, many are needed to serve to embody the mission of the church. A shared load of all empowered and equipped to serve is a greater witness for the love of God found in Jesus.
Adventuring with you,
Rev. Sherri