Making Disciples
Have you ever had an experience of the holiness of God that was so profound that it changed you? Moses did. Moses met God in a burning bush and received an invitation from God to lead his people to freedom. In fact, the holiness of God was so powerful, that God instructed Moses to take his shoes off because he was standing on holy ground. (Exodus 3:1-12).
As we encounter God, we are changed just like Moses. The agent of change may not be meeting God in a burning bush, but there are many ways in which we can encounter God. Through Bible Study, prayer, generosity, worship, the sacraments, accountability, sharing Christ, and serving others, we are shaped to be more like Jesus (and this is a limited list). We are made into disciples of Jesus. Are you seeking to encounter God? Practice some holy practices and you may find holy ground. As James reminds us, “draw near to God and he will draw near to you.”
Adventuring with you,
Rev. Sherri